Our service will end on January 31, 2025!

Dear Users,

For many years, we have had the pleasure of supporting your projects with our eSurvey questionnaires. Unfortunately, we now have to inform you that the service will be discontinued on January 31, 2025.

This decision was not an easy one for us. The technical requirements and usage of the service have changed, making it no longer feasible to continue operating eSurvey in its current form.

However, we would be delighted if someone would like to take over and further develop eSurvey. If you or someone in your network is interested, please feel free to contact us at pressekontakt@uid.com.

Thank you for your loyalty and support!

Your eSurvey Team

Attraktivität Messen

Your benefits

With AttrakDiff, users have a simple, fast and favorably priced tool at hand to personally evaluate the usability and design of an interactive product.



Who developed AttrakDiff, and why is the service free of charge? What customers have used AttrakDiff? How do we manage their data?



Scientific maturity: For more information on publications as well as the AttrakDiff work model and measuring tool, please refer to our scientific background page.

Applied Areas

AttrakDiff helps you to understand how users personally rate the usability and design of your interactive product. The online tool supports you in various usage scenarios:

  • The typical scenario: Would you like to have your product evaluated by users only once? We will assist you with a Single Evaluation.
  • Would you like to compare products with each other? The Comparison between product A and product B will be the best suited method.
  • Do you prefer to have your product evaluated at several stages of product development, e. g. before and after optimizations? The Comparison Before-After will be the method of choice for you.

Single Evaluation

This type of evaluation lends itself to one-off and temporary evaluations by your customers.

Example: A software-prototype P was evaluated by future users using AttrakDiff.

Ten users participated in the evaluation and the results were following:

The prototype was rated well in both hedonic and pragmatic quality. There was little room for optimisation.

The confidence rectangle shows that according to user consensus, the hedonic quality is greater than the pragmatic quality. For prototype P the confidence rectangle extends from the desired area and into the self-oriented area. It can therefore not clearly be classified as desirable.

Comparison A-B

This type of study assesses each of the two different products separately and then compares them. You will be provided with an overview of how your customers perceive each of the products. You can decide whether both products are evaluated by the same test group, or whether product A and product B are evaluated by completely different test groups.

Vergleich A-B - Grafik
Each of the two products was evaluated by the 8 test participants (total of 8) using AttrakDiff.

The results were the following:

Product A performed better in both hedonic and pragmatic quality than product B. The smaller confidence rectangle observed for product A implies that users were largely at one. For product B however, the user responses differed greatly. In order that product B become competitive with product A it is necessary that improvements be made.

Comparison before-after

This type of study allows you to test you product twice, e.g. before you implement changes and after you have implemented changes. You will receive a quick and detailed summary on the effects of the changes.

Grafik - Vorher-Nacher Vergleich
In this case AttrakDiff was implemented to evaluate a website before and after its relaunch. (total of 20 test participants)

Ten users participated in each of the sub-evaluations (i.e. before and after) and the outcome was as follows:

The "before"-study showed the website to be in the neutral area which corresponds to ordinary standards. Following the relaunch evaluations showed both pragmatic quality as well as hedonic quality to have improved greatly. The website is predominantly desirable. The "after"-study shows a much smaller confidence rectangle implying that the users were largely at one in their ratings compared with the "before"-study.

Scientific Background

Ease-of-use, i. e. an optimal operability, is a must for interactive products. Increasingly, products stand out for their user experience. These days, it is necessary to apply an evaluation method that records both the perceived pragmatic quality, the hedonic quality and the attractiveness of an interactive product.

On our scientific background page on AttrakDiff, you will find further information on the AttrakDiff work model and measuring tool as well as publications about the online tool.

Why Free of Charge?

Wide implementation of AttrakDiff will contribute to making product-attractiveness scientifically explainable. You have the benefit of an easy evaluation tool which rates the quality of interfaces and provides a graphic presentations.

The AttrakDiff version at hand will achieve the following objectives:

  • Through wide implementation of this evaluation tool new insight will be made into criteria necessary for evaluation procedures and for the further development of the evaluation tool. Furthermore it is our hope to define the underlying theoretical model more precisely.
  • AttrakDiff is to be implemented as a research instrument, e.g. to ascertain what design measures result in improved hedonic quality.
  • To initiate discussions on the matter of criteria for the evaluation of products. Are effectivity, efficiency and satisfaction really sufficient criteria for product evaluation or do the above-mentioned criteria in fact play an equally important role?

Hence it is with these objectives and questions in mind that the AttrakDiff evaluation tool has been made available on this website.

Marc Hassenzahl is Professor at Folkwang University, Faculty of Design. Before he was a Jun. Prof. at University of Koblenz-Landau, Faculty of Psychology and research fellow at Darmstadt University of Technology, Institute of Psychology. Before free-lance usability consultant, research fellow at Siemens Corporate Technology, and senior consultant for the UID GmbH. He recently became vice president of the German Chapter of the Usability Professionals' Association.

His research interests are usability engineering, appealing user interfaces, new analysis and evaluation methods, time preferences and the endowment effect.

Prof. Dr. Michael Burmester

Prof. Dr.
Michael Burmester


Principal Scientific Advisor at UID GmbH (UID) since September 2002. Professor of Ergonomics and Usability at the University of Applied Media Sciences in Stuttgart. Former managing director of UID branch office in Munich and in charge of the Usability Engineering department. Project coordinator at Siemens (1997-2000). Scientific assistant at the Fraunhofer IAO, responsible for national and international research and development projects.

Managing Director at UID GmbH since 1998. Previously assistant manager at the former German subsidiary of the Swedish UID AB. Head of the "Interactive Products" team at Fraunhofer Institute IAO (1995-1997) Scientific assistant and project director at the University of Stuttgart (1987-1992); ISO board member for the design of multimedia systems.


AttrakDiff has been used for the evaluation of products by the following companies:

  • show:
  • all
  • Enterprise
  • Consumer
  • Industry
  • Web
  • Research
  • DVAG
  • Fiducia
  • SAP
  • Swiss Re
  • Varetis
  • BMW
  • Miele
  • Telekom Austria
  • Vaillant
  • Fronius
  • Lenze
  • Siemens
  • SOS Kinderdörfer Weltweit
  • Expedia.de
  • 1&1 Internet
  • www.praevention-online.de
  • Stuttgart Media University
  • University Duisburg-Essen

Data Protection

We utilise only your anonymous data. A transfer of data to any third party or other company will not occur.

For the evaluation of test products only neutral results and general information (age, gender, etc.) concerning the test participants will be saved. If you are going to use the mail function for automatic notification of test persons, these data will only be accessible for you and these data will only be used for that purpose.

We have no access to your customers' information nor is it possible for us to contact them.

You alone know who your customers are.

Frequently Asked Questions

1What benefits does the implementation of AttrakDiff offer?

AttrakDiff makes possible the anonymous evaluation of any product by users, customers etc. From the evaluation data it is possible to gauge how attractive the product is in terms of usability and appearance. And whether optimisation is necessary.

2How do I use AttrakDiff?

You can register as a new user in the login area of the project administration section. As soon as your access data has been confirmed, you may log in at any time to create new projects. If you prefer to test AttrakDiff first, you can find an example AttrakDiff survey here.

3What number of projects can I enrol for investigation?

The number of projects allowed is not limited. You can enrol as many projects as you choose.

4What is the duration of a project?

It is left to you to decide how long the rating sheets remain accessible to the test participants. The maximum duration is three months. Should you wish the duration to exceed three months, please use our Premium Services.

5How do the test participants access their questionnaires?

In the "Participants" section, you can choose whether you want to carry out the study with anonymous participants or whether you prefer to address specific participants.
The project overview always contains a link to your study. In the case of anonymous studies, your participants are provided with this link.
For studies with specific participants, eSURVEY sends out invitations by e-mail. To do so, you have to enter the participants' names and e-mail addresses in eSURVEY and, if needed, you can edit the respective invitation. In the "Participants" section, you can choose from two options for sending e-mails.

1. Send automatically
The e-mails are sent out automatically when the project is activated.

2. Send manually
After configuring and activating your project, you can send out the invitation e-mail to all participants by choosing Notify participants". Or you can send individual e-mails by choosing "Edit participants" and clicking the letter icon.
The participants list that can be accessed via "Edit participants" always gives you an overview of who has already received an invitation and who has taken part in the study.

6Is it possible to view preliminary results?

Throughout the entire data collection process, the project manager can call up the preliminary results to track the progress of the study. However, this is only possible if at least two participants have already taken part in the study. Use your access data to log in and choose a project. Click "Show results".

7Is the input data protected against misuse?

Data protection is important to us. The data you enter will be processed anonymously and will not be passed on to any third party. The project co-ordinator alone passes on the access data for to the test participants. We therefore have no information or contact details of your test participants. Only you know who your test participants and customers are.

8How many participants can take part in a study?

The maximum number of participants is 20. Should you wish to include more participants, please contact us: attrakdiff@uid.com.